The grey smoke filled the once fresh skies into darkness;putrid smells of smoke filled peoples nostrils what has the sky done to us. A young girl with rosy red cheeks stood out from the crowd, her dreamy eyes were fixed onto the smoke that was wandering the sky helplessly, without looking back she paced towards the entrance of the grand doors of the dark palace fear her not she stepped in, It was cold, it was dark and she took a breath in then breathed out leaving what it seem liked a trail of dragons smoke. For now she was terrified as the dark queen stood two steps away from her cold face. She grabbed onto her collar and gulped hard, she wish she never stepped through the doors of THE DARK QUEEN.

The grey smoke filled the once fresh skies into darkness;putrid smells of smoke filled peoples nostrils what has the sky done to us. A young girl with rosy red cheeks stood out from the crowd, her dreamy eyes were fixed onto the smoke that was wandering the sky helplessly, without looking back she paced towards the entrance of the grand doors of the dark palace fear her not she stepped in, It was cold, it was dark and she took a breath in then breathed out leaving what it seem liked a trail of dragons smoke. For now she was terrified as the dark queen stood two steps away from her cold face. She grabbed onto her collar and gulped hard, she wish she never stepped through the doors of THE DARK QUEEN.

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